CLC's First Lady trains up grandchildren in the way they should go...
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Researchers Find Pool Where Jesus Healed Blind Man
Just in time for the holidays from the Associated Press, researchers announce the finding of the Siloam pool where sight was restored to the blind man of John Chapter 9:
MSNBC Article
This is a huge finding for many reasons. One reason that is burning in my heart is that this healing was investigated by the pharisees as it involved a man that had been BORN BLIND. This was the scientific investigation and investigative journalism of their day (needless to say the pharisees were quite biased). Funny enough, most modern day skeptics and journalists follow in their tradition (MSNBC's title reads "Archaeologists identify traces of 'miracle' pool"). "Traces?," "'miracle?'"---Lord open their eyes! These researchers found the mother load of evidence for the New Testament account!
Here's another Associated Press story that tells of pottery evidence in the Arab-controlled city of Cana that confirms the Biblical account of Jesus turning water into wine:
Seatle Times Article
Enjoy, Bro Danny
Friday, December 24, 2004
Hey Bros and Sisters
God bless you all! Bro Izzy on the watch. Bro and Sis Findlay enjoying their new TV. Sis Z doing drama with Joseph. Amezaga family vacationing in Colorado (Abram gave us a scoop at the Christmas Banquet. Holy Dove (Bro Juan) floating up in Gil-town (Gilroy) with the fam. Brown Sugar at the pointy end in Atsugi. Bro Natesta in a E2C Hawkeye keeping us safe. Rogue Chic hopefully blessed in Modesto. God Bless you and yours this Holy Day!
Bro Danny
Thursday, December 23, 2004
In Honor of the Cordovas
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Light the Fire
Blessings in the name of our Lord,
Just a little note to say that we are thinking about our brothers in sisters in arms this Holdiay season. Our colleagues in arms both spiritually and physically. Thank you Lord for those who have answered the call to the body of Christ, the ministry, and to the military. We are praying for you and your families! You are not alone and will not be forgotten this Christmas and New Year's Day. May God Bless you and yours.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Morales Family
Welcome to the Blog Site of Light the Fire Ministries!
Blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and welcome to the blog site of Light the Fire Ministries!
A Christian blog---what a great way to share the gospel, build people, and build the kingdom of God through the reach of the www. I am sure if blogs were around in the early church days, there would be sites called "" and "" and so on. How do I know this? Well, Jesus used the vehicles and objects of his day and culture to spread and illustrate his message: coins, fig trees, boats, fish nets and even scribbles on the dirt posted to a mass audience (in John 8:1-11). Thank the Lord for PowerPoints, ipods, burned compilation cds, websites, blogs and the biblegateways of the world that are loaded with Christian messages and material.
I started this blog with the intent of keeping in contact with my group of bros and sisas back in Cali (mi familia espiritual at Hollister's Faith Hope and Love Center and the friends of Light the Fire Ministries in Monterey). That said, I fully know that God is in control and that my steps are ordained of God. With Him in the equation, the sky is the limit for this blog. I look forward to what God has in store for our ministry and this little pasture and revival tent on the web. The pages of this book have yet to be written. We will see the miraculous unfold, or in this case, upload before our eyes. We'll witness testimonies, answered prayers, inspiring articles, hyperlinks to other ministries, and much more appear almost spontaneously as the fish and loaves of bread appeared in the baskets of the apostles 2000 years ago. What a miracle it will be!
Thanks for visiting and for agreeing with us in prayer for this ministry. Visit us anytime you want and be a part of our familia espiritual. You'll never find the doors of this ministry closed, number one because you are the intended focus of this ministry and number two blog sites are 24/7. Join us in our vision as we build people and the kingdom for God's glory everyday, anytime, and anywhere.
Light the Fire!
Bro Danny DJ Morales
Co-founder, Light the Fire Ministries
I am 100% "puro" sold out loco for the gospel and not ashamed of it.
BTW: The word "gospel" in one word sums up the most awesome event in human history. It means "good news." This is that good news: the Son of God came down to earth to re-unite us with the Creator of the Universe. He paid the price for all the human wrongdoing (sin) that separated us from a perfect God. He defeated the consequence of all this wrongdoing (death) by resurrecting from the dead (witnessed by 500 people). He returned to Heaven and will soon return for His Father's children who remain here on Earth. Do you know if you are one of these people? Two kinds of people read to this point. Those who are saved and those who are about to be. Which one are you?