Saturday, February 19, 2005

Red Cross Certified

This past Thursday, I along with several of my colleagues renewed our certification for Adult CPR and the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) system. It is amazing to think that such life-saving techniques are relatively simple to learn and are becoming more accessible to people around the world everyday.

Our training was hands-on and took all morning to learn. We learned how to "check, call, care" for emergency situations, how to perform abdominal thrusts for choking victims, "recovery positioning," rescue breathing, CPR, dealing with unconscious choking victims, and administering the AED. In one morning session, we learned keys to saving lives.

We also learned a little legality known as the "Good Samaritan Law" that varies state to state but in general is meant to cover a person who administers life-saving techniques from being sued by a victim or their family after the incident. Another practice we learned is asking permission to perform these techniques on people that are conscious and choking. If no one is around and the victim is a child or unconscious then permission is assumed.

As a result of the session, we are now considered "American Red Cross Certified." The knowledge that we now carry in our minds can mean the difference between life and death. I think all of us hope that we never have to use this knowledge, but in the event that we do, we are certified and ready to save a life anytime and anyplace.

That is a very humbling thought because that means that we are accountable to this knowledge. In previous Red Cross sessions, we have discussed the issue of not doing anything in a life threatening situation even though we knew what to do. Doing nothing in such a situation, although generally not considered a crime, borders on the criminal. How could I in good conscious simply look the other way as a victim chokes to death, asphyxiates, or dies of a heart attack, when I have the knowledge that can save his or her life?

Ironically enough, that is the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Others walked by, but one stopped because he cared enough and knew enough to save a man left "half dead" on the side of the road (Luke 10:25-37).

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I come across people who are half-dead on life's road every day. The difference between them and the victim in the parable, is that many of them don't know the seriousness of their situations. If I were to ask many of them if I could administer a soul-saving technique they would brush me aside and ask me "who are you to tell me how to run my life?" But my dilemma is that if I don't do anything they will lose out forever. I can't wait until they fall dead. At that point it's too late. The fact is...they were already spiritually dead long before they breathed their last. I for one, don't care whether they know or care about their situation, I am going to attempt to administer soul-saving knowledge. I am going to be the Good Samaritan even if I am sued by my victim. I am going to love people in need, my neighbor, even if they don't listen to me. I will go and "do likewise" as Jesus said.

And what about those who walk by? Those who know how to save spiritual lives, how to save a person's soul, but do nothing. They are accountable for that knowledge. Lord help me to never pass up an opportunity to save a soul.

What about you? Do you know what it is to live spiritually? I'm not talking about some metaphysical psycho-spiritual experience here. I am talking about a fulfilled life not the so called life full of drugs, alcohol, sexual addiction, fame, and fortune. That stuff will prove to be just as deadly, choking, suffocating and heart stopping as the scenarios one learns about from the Red Cross.

There is a God who is the life-giver. What do you call a life apart from the one who gives it, but death? Thankfully, there is a life saver. His name is Jesus. What do you call a person who doesn't want to be saved, but dead? Jesus wants to breathe new life into you. He wants to rescue you from the suffocation of sin. He wants to fill your heart with His Spirit, not just to keep you alive but so that you can breathe His life into others. This is the message of the red cross of Jesus.

Consider yourself certified. Together we can save a soul. Together we can Follow Christ and Live with Power.

Get training from the American Red Cross.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

The World Missions Summit

The World Missions Summit: it's not about me

All I can say is, "Oh, my Lord! Kick the tires and light the fires, cause Jesus is coming back soon." I just happened to check out Chi Alpha's Missions Blog and saw a highly motivating article about the World Missions Summit. I mean it was so motivating, that I think it would make my old Marine Corps Drill Instructor get in the sand pit and mash himself. This event is taking place in Louisville, Kentucky at the end of this year. 4000 College Students from Chi Alpha and members of Young Adults groups like ours will be invited to attend this never-before type of summit. All 4000 will be challenged to put one year on the line for reaching the world with the knowledge of a relationship with Christ.

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is already the leading source for our full time missionaries, but what they have a vision to do here goes beyond words. They are challenging EVERY student in their fellowship to do atleast one mission during their college experience and then follow on after graduation for a year. Now, I know that just a two-week missions trip can make a difference in a person's life (it did for me when I went on an Ambassadors in Missions trip to Puerto Rico), but I can only imagine what a full year's commitment will do. The 4000 that attend the World Missions Summit are just the beginning. Chi Alpha and our national Young Adults Ministry are mobilizing young people by the tens of thousands.

The scale of Chi Alpha's vision is very similar to that of the Back to Jerusalem Movement in China, where 100,000 Chinese missionaries are being mobilized right now to spread the good news of Jesus in a push westward to Jerusalem. The level of preparation that is taking place at this moment for an all out spiritual D-Day not only signals a global awakening, it signals the soon coming return of Jesus Christ. All I will want to say about this is: if you believe in the words of Jesus and the Bible, than you are also saying that you believe in his return, just as he ascended, but this time in reverse.

“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11)

I can't begin to tell you how many times the issue of "a sense of urgency" comes up in conversations I have with people that are involved in ministry. Right now, just in our own ministry, we're training children, young adults, and soon youth to be missionaries to their homes, their schools, their workplaces, their cities, and their world. Just the other day, I was blown away by the motivation of two teenagers from Prescott, Arizona who raised thousands of dollars for missions by walking 100 miles from Prescott to Phoenix. As an Arizonan, I know this area and how difficult a trek this was for them. The push to "train to reach" is really unprecedented in just the churches we visit and hear about. Something is going on. The tremors are already starting. If Jesus were to come back tonight or tomorrow, would you be ready? Would you follow him back to Paradise? Follow Christ.

If you are a College Student or Young Adult, Chi Alpha is definitely worth checking out. Find a chapter near you:

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, USA

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Young 7 One

Here's our proposed logo for the youth of the Salinas Section. It arrived just in time for our revival services at the end of February, our "Refrigerio" or "Refreshing." It will undoubtedly find its way on t-shirts, and who knows? Maybe even action figures. Nah, I'll stick with t-shirts.

We can not wait to hear what God is going to say through our special speaker for our revival services, Evangelist Sammy Rodriguez Jr. He is the Founder of 3rd Day Believers Network and the Director of Evangelism for our District. At our last youth convention, he had us standing for two hours at the edge of our feet! We did not even realize it until afterwards. Now that's what I call having church.

God is stirring something big in our hearts. Or to use the words of Elf, "Gi-normous!" We are on the verge of a awakening a sleeping giant. As I sit here blogging, I think of the words of Joel the Prophet:

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." (Joel 2:28-29)
Here's just a faint glimmer of what God is showing us for the youth. The vision is so big, it's scary. But as the Lord told us the other night during family devos, "be strong and courageous." You can find this vision at our youth blog as well, but I'll save you the trip:

We are young people in love with God and people. We are the youth of the Salinas Section of the Northern Pacific Latin American District Council of the Assemblies of God.
We are the youth of 7 cities: Greenfield, Soledad, Salinas, Monterey, Hollister, Gilroy and Morgan Hill, California.
We are one people united in one vision: to win, build, and send youth to accomplish one mission: to advance the kingdom of God one person at a time, anyplace, anytime.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Two Churches Join Hands for Friend's Day

Tomorrow is Friend's Day for two churches close to my heart. Christian Life Center Assembly of God in Douglas, Arizona and Faith Hope and Love Center in Hollister, California.

Altar call at Christian Life Center, Douglas AZ

CLC has a special day planned for the friends and family of their members. The church has just completed a full month of nightly prayer meetings. It seemed that everytime I called home, the pastors were at church in the Lord's presence. God truly has His hand on Christian Life Center. This Friend's Day, I know the Lord is saying to Christian Life Center, "you're my friend!"

The children of Faith Hope and Love Center will also celebrate Friend's Day tomorrow. Many of our kids have invited friends, classmates, and neighbors to enjoy worship, "A Snoodles Tale" (a VegieTales movie), pizza and cake.* Our kids have been extremely excited about sharing their church experiences with their friends. The We Build Kids/BGMC team is excited for them.

This has been a much anticipated day for both churches. When I last spoke with my mom, she said it was raining cats and dogs in Douglas. Well, the people are right behind them as far as I'm concerned. We pray that people will rain down and flood our altars.

Nothing can replace people-they are our greatest resources. Nothing comes close to finding God at an altar-it's the place where lives are changed. May people fill the altars of both churches and may God fill the people. Amen.

*Thanks to Papa John's Pizza, Sister Z, Junior, Sister Maria, Sister Cecilia, Lulu, Cynthia, Jessica, and Oscar for making this day special!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Cure for the Common Zombie

Thursday morning as I was shaving and looking at the droopy eyes of the man staring back at me in the mirror (thanks to my nocturnal one-year old), I thought of zombies. People that are the among the "living dead." I also had thoughts of my upcoming study for our young adults group.

Suddenly, the two thoughts coalesced into one. I began to think of all the people I encounter on a daily basis. It's quite scary and morbid to think, but most of these people are walking dead men and women. People with chains around their necks slowly sinking back to the earth from which they came.

I was reminded of the time my niece Cindy told me about a message she had heard from her youth pastor, Pastor Ralph of Harbor Christian Center. What she told me really hit home. During one of his services, he had showed a clip from the movie "The Sixth Sense," where the characters played by Haley Joel Osmont ("Cole") and Bruce Willis' (Malcolm) say the following:
I see people.
Malcolm just gazes quietly.
I see dead people... Some of them scare me.
In your dreams?
Cole shakes his head, "No."
When you're awake?
Cole nods, "Yes."
Dead people, like in graves and coffins?
No, walking around, like regular people... They can't see each other. Some of them don't know they're dead.
They don't know they're dead?
I see ghosts.
So here I am looking at myself, dead in the mirror, but only in the sense of dead tired. I ask myself, "will other people look into my eyes today and see what I know?" Will they know how tired I am? Probably not, I have a good way of covering up my fatigue. Splash some water on the face, put a smile on and all of a sudden I even forget.
Have you looked in the mirror today? Who's looking back at you? You may say "I am Christian," "I am alive in Christ." But are you really living for Christ? Or are you just splashing water on your face?
One day, thousands of years ago, God breathed life into the first human, Adam. Like a plastic CPR dummy, the Lord took clay and breathed life into an inanimate corpse. His Spirit filled the vacuum and human life was born. However, this person who once walked with The Life Giver, would one day walk away from his maker and suffer the fate of his own mortality. He would breathe his last and give up his ghost.
Thousands of years later, The Life Giver overshadowed a young woman called "Mary" and breathed life into her vacant and virgin womb:
"The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)

Thus, The Life Giver conceived The Life Saver, whose name is Jesus which in Hebrew means "The Lord Saves." The Life Saver would one day die to bring life back to mortal man. Not life in the sense of physical life, which ends all too suddenly (thanks to Adam). No, spiritual life in the sense of eternal relationship with The Life Giver. This we call "eternal life," because it's more of a life than physical living and because it lasts forever (thanks to Jesus).

Before the Son of God left the earth, he left a promise to his followers. In days to come, the Holy Spirit, the very Breath of Life, The Breath of God, would visit them. Just like with Adam, He would fill their spiritual vacuums, not to the brim, but to overflowing. Just like with Mary, He would overshadow them and breathe life into the yet unconceived body of people known as "the church." He would baptize them with His Holy Spirit.

As I look forward to teaching about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the coming weeks, I think of all the people who have never heard about The Life Giver (Father God), The Life Saver (The Son of God), and the very Breath of God (The Holy Spirit). Some people only know about the Father. Some people only know about the Son and Father. But many, including some Christians, don't know nearly enough about the Breath of God.

Jesus warned us that we could know scriptures back and forth and yet lose sight of their fulfillment right in front of us, within our grasp:

"You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." (John 5:39-40)

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean." (Matthew 23:27)

The Teachers of the Law were dead and did not even know it. They were vacuous and didn't know the Savior in their midst. They could not recognize him, even though they knew the written word of God better than most Christian teachers today. The one prophesied about by John the Baptist was right in front of them. The one who would baptize not in water, but in the Holy Spirit and with Fire was staring back at them.

He still baptizes in His Spirit today. It's his baptism after all, and no mortal man and no mortal teaching can take it away from him. Why not? Because neither the Son, nor the Spirit, nor the promises of the Father change. They are the same yesterday, today, and forever. His promises are yes and amen.

I see dead people all the time. I brush shoulders with zombies every day. Most of them don't know they're dead. Thankfully, there's a cure for the common zombie:

Follow Christ and Live with Power.

Bro Danny DJ Morales