Sunday, December 09, 2007

FutureAG Discussion

On November 20th, 2007, I began posting comments referencing the Baptist on a blog site dedicated to discussing the future of the fellowship of which I am a part. I did so for several reasons.

First, the moderators of the blog have encouraged "the sharing of opinions, knowledge, experiences, and innovative ideas." Second, tongues as the initial evidence of the Lord's Baptism were being hotly contested, which burdened me greatly. Third, I believe the Lord so led me after answering a fleece I presented to Him.

This was a monumental step for me and one undertaken with much trepidation. It was the first time I publicized my findings on the Lord's Baptism in the Holy Spirit in a venue outside of Jesus the Baptist. Since completing the project in late 2006, I have spoken about the Baptist only to members of my immediate family, a few friends, and a few co-workers who were researching the Lord's Baptism.

Readers may wonder why I had chosen not to widely publicize these findings earlier. Simply put, I did not feel it was the Lord's timing and there was more work to be done.

Since completing the project, I have taken deliberate steps to develop the site in anticipation of the Lord's appointed hour. I have slowly consolidated the writings, launched the site on its own domain name, and added some printing features for the articles, just to mention a few.

I believe 2008 is the year that God has chosen for this word to go forth. Looking back, 2007 was the year of preparation and 2006 was the year of sacrifice. Readers may be surprised to learn that the year 2006 was one of the lowest points in my life.

I wrote all the articles of the Baptist in the darkest days of depression. The Lord had not allowed me to put the findings to writing until 2006 - a full two years after the Lord had put the words in my heart and mouth.

However, when the words finally transferred from the immaterial to the material, they did so in a flood. I literally had nothing but the word that the Lord had stored up within me for the coldest winter of my life. God is good.

The work is not over, however, because new discoveries and connections wait to be found in the infinite Word of God. I have used the Unifying Theory of Baptisms to formulate and test hypotheses in Scripture. As a result of using this pneumatological research method (vice hermeneutical), I have come away with new and better understandings of Scriptural ideas that were once disconnected, obscure, or impossible to explain (at least to me).

My findings have further substantiated the agreement between water, blood, and spirit, as well as the Atonement. As examples, the Trinity as a Scriptural truth and the unknown tongue as a lasting sign are now uncontested realities to me thanks to the results of my own research.

Going back to the recent publicizing, I have decided to feature the comments below because they are my first attempts at consolidating the major claims of the the Baptist in clear, cohesive, and concise language. This was more difficult than one could imagine, because this is not how the ideas were shown to me (1 Cor 13:9). I also wanted to update readers of the Baptist on some new findings that can only be found in these comments. Undoubtedly, the comments would have been buried within the blog on which they were originally posted.

As you read these comments, please be advised that they are conversational in tone (given the discussion to which they were a part). Also, please note that I have left the vast majority of my comments intact with only a few posts and whole sentences excluded. I left these out because I judged them irrelevant to this article or because they contained the names of the people to whom I was speaking or attempting to contact. I have placed enlarged and boldfaced ellipses (...) to indicate where I cut off and/or resume my comments within the posts I have featured and dated below.

May your eyes and spirits be blessed, challenged, and opened in the name of Jesus the Baptist, AMEN!

- Danny dj Morales

*** Start of Comments ***

November 20, 2007 7:04 AM:

... Reading some of the comments about struggles with the doctrine, esp. those made by younger ministers, reminded me of my own struggles and journey (I'm 32 – I know, sooo much senior :-).

Three years ago, I came to a theological crossroad over tongues and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. At the time, I felt called to lead a Bible Study on the subject with a group of young adults, all of whom were from non-Pentecostal backgrounds.

But before doing so, I poured days in prayer, fasting, and sola scriptura study. I divorced myself from my A/G understandings for the “sake of objectivity," threw myself at the feet of the Lord, pleaded for His wisdom (per James 1:5) and depended entirely on His promise that the Holy Spirit would lead me into all truth. He did not disappoint.

Over the course of several months, and even after the study had ended, the Lord opened my eyes to things in Scripture that I had never seen before. Some of the experiences I had blew my mind away. I would ask questions and He would lead me to verses, confirmations, and give me the understandings! He even went beyond my request and expanded my understanding of other Scriptural truths.

I prayed over posting some of what He showed me here. Within myself, I told the Lord that I would withhold unless 1. one of the moderators posted a follow-up about tongues and 2. there was a discussion about developing our pneumatology...

... As you read, please test the spirits and ideas to see if they’re from God. Also, please pray for understanding as well, because some of these ideas require discernment. I pray these ideas help those who are struggling with the relevance of our doctrines and that they stir further investigation. Ready? Seatbelt strapped? Ok, here it goes...

- The first thing the Lord showed me was that the day the Lord baptized Mount Sinai with fire and gave the Ten Commandments was the Day of Pentecost.

- He then showed me that the previous days of covenant (Noah, Abram, and later Abraham) were also on the Day of Pentecost.

- He showed me that each covenant had a lasting sign (rainbow, circumcision, Sabbath).

- He showed me that Pentecost is unique to all other feasts in that it is the only one counted by Sabbaths.

- He then showed me the significance of rainbows and how they are a multi-colored representation of his voices (seven colors for each of His voices/thunders).

- He showed me that the blazing torch and smoking firepot that appeared to Abram were also covenantal signs (not lasting however).

- He emphasized to me the point that circumcision was a physical and visible sign in the flesh.

- He then took me back to Exodus and showed me the progression of baptisms that took place from the Passover, to the Red Sea Crossing, and then to Sinai.

- He put everything together and said in essence that before the book of Acts, one could have compiled the covenantal signs together and predicted that tongues would be the sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

- He showed me that when John the Baptist was baptizing Jesus, and said He needed to be baptized by Jesus, John was referring specifically to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

- He showed me that in all the covenants, He extended His promises to both clean and unclean animals and "mixed" multitudes.

- He connected the dots between previous covenants and the Lord's inclusion of "unclean" to Peter's vision in Acts Chapter 10:9-16.

- He emphasized to me that tongues and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit were the reason why the Jewish disciples accepted the Gentile believers into their family.

- He reiterated to me that Jesus did not baptize on earth and that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is His personal baptism for believers. Incidentally, this is why I now prefer to call it "the Lord's Baptism."

- He showed me that three is a significant number when it comes to baptisms.

- He showed me that when looking at baptismal types, the number three will reoccur. A few instances of this include: the number of times Peter had his vision, the number of disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, the number of elements in water, the number of times Elijah poured water on the sacrifice atop Mount Carmel and the number of times the earth will be regenerated (baptized).

- He showed me that there are three sub-baptisms (each with a lasting sign): Salvation (blood), Water (water), Spirit (fire/Spirit).

- He then took me back to the days of Covenant and showed me how all these three elements were always present.

- He showed me that the Trinity is represented in the three separate pilgrimage feasts of Israel (Shavuot, Sukkot, and Pesach) and unified under the Day of Atonement. Incidentally, the latter is the only time that the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies. It is the Highest of Holy Days in the Jewish religious calendar.

- He showed me that the three baptisms are representations of His triune identity.

- He explained to me that baptisms are new birth and, at the same time, burial experiences.

- He then showed me that baptism was always spoken of in the Old Testament. It was simply referred to by another name - atonement.

- He then enlarged my idea of the atonement to see it as triune baptism: blood, water, Spirit.

- He then showed me baptismal pre-cursors and types in the following: clouds, Joseph's robe, the sign of Jonah, Elijah's triune baptism, the Priestly garments, and the Ephod of the High Priest (to name a few). The stones of the Ephod, for instance, would supernaturally light up and at that point, the High Priest would "speak in tribes” through the lit stones “as the Holy Spirit gave him utterance."

- When asked for confirmation that the rainbow was connected to baptism, He led me to the passage in Rev 10:1 where the angel is enrobed in a cloud with a rainbow over his head (cf. tongues of fire coming to rest on the disciples’ heads).

- He explained to me the difference between the unknown tongue and the gift of different kinds of tongues. NOTE: the unknown tongue is unknown to the speaker and not necessarily the hearer.

- He then clarified how the unknown tongue is tied to empowerment for witnessing via the reference "a sign for unbelievers" and tied to personal edification via the reference "edifies himself." He thus showed me that the Corinthians erred doubly in setting and usage: 1. they were using a promise meant for witnessing to unbelievers in a body of believers and 2. they were using a personal edification language in a corporately unedifying manner.

- He clarified that believers can be baptized in the blood (salvation), water, and Spirit, at the same time, in short order and at other times distantly apart (Saul of Tarsus, the Eunuch in Acts 8, and the disciples in Samaria). These baptisms and their lasting signs are again allusions to the triune nature of God and His baptisms: distinct yet unified.

- He clarified that ministers who are not baptized in the Holy Spirit can be mightily used in evangelism and discipleship (pastors and teachers), because these are spiritually-gifted offices.

- He clarified that although tongues are holy, being baptized in the Holy Spirit does not translate to personal holiness. He showed me this with the analogy to the lasting sign of circumcision.

- When I asked for confirmation that the unknown tongue is the lasting sign in the Lord's Baptism, He led me to the Book of Isaiah to Chapter 59 and its very last verse. Then, He led me to combine it with the first five verses of the next chapter. Then I was led to cross-reference it with Acts 2, where I found its fulfillment in verses 1-12 and 37-39.

- He showed me that His voice has a visible nature (fire, rainbow, lightning, tongues). This explains why Simon the Sorcerer saw that the Baptism was given at the laying on of hands.

- When I looked for confirmation that Mount Sinai was connected to Pentecost, I was blown away by the fact that every Jew commemorates the giving of the Law at Pentecost. Also, I ran across references to visible thunders coming from the burning mountain.

The above are a good sample of what the Lord showed me in Scripture and backed up through confirmations. I had never heard or been taught any of what He taught me in His Q&A sessions.

At one point, I got so overwhelmed at the immensity of what He had shown me that I got up shaking in a half-trance and would speak in tongues throughout the day as if it was a second language – may the Lord be praised!

To help with my understanding of the inter-relationships and re-occurring patterns, I had to come up with what I termed a "Unifying Theory of Baptisms:"
The baptisms of blood, water, and Spirit are separate and distinct birth experiences that are unified under one baptism, the Atonement

I have used it to form and test hypotheses about baptismal types in Scripture and even in Judaic traditions not recorded explicitly in Scripture. For instance, I used it to predict that water played a significant role in the Feast of Sukkot.

I also used it to predict the number of hyssop branches the High Priest holds to sprinkle the water of cleansing (contains the ashes of the Red Heifer). The number of branches is three exactly. Again, I had no idea of these facts before testing the theory.

Because these concepts are so far beyond my theological, much less mental capacity, I even came up with a name for their study - quantum pneumechanics :-).

If you would like to read more about these insights and others, you can visit a pneuma blog that I completed over a year ago. It's called Jesus the Baptist, a fitting name I think given: the controversial nature of the subject, the claims, and the instant connection I felt I had to make between the Lord and His baptism.

If you visit it, you may notice that the ideas are fused together and may not form a clear and concise picture until everything has been read and prayerfully considered. This is a testimony to how they were shown to me...

... The next time, you look at a rainbow, I pray you see God's multi-colored voice!

November 21, 2007 2:56 PM:

How can we start a movement of next generation Holy Spirit empowered ministry? How do we resonate with the emerging generation?

One young person at a time...

We should be like Paul and boldly ask each new disciple "have you been baptized by Jesus?"

When asked "what do you mean?" We should be able to give an answer.

Personally, I tell them that it is similar to salvation and water baptism. Instead of being covered by Christ's sacrifice on the cross, you're covered by His Holy Spirit. Instead of a pastor baptizing you in water, it's Jesus personally baptizing you.

Making the experience Christ-centered makes it more personal and active ("Jesus baptizes you" vs. "being baptized in the Holy Spirit"). After all, who would give up the chance to be personally baptized by the Lord of the Universe? Furthermore, they may not like "Christians" but Jesus can still be their homeboy.

In my opinion, this is something our current teaching fails to do. It calls it the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" instead of the "Lord's Baptism." It calls Jesus "the Baptizer" instead of "Jesus the Baptist." I don’t think John would mind. After all, he’s the one who said "He must become greater; I must become less."

Simplicity packed with meaning and graphic associations will "resonate with the emerging culture" and any culture for that matter. Get the point across with as much meaning and as few words as possible so they make the connections themselves.

"…don't you mean John the Baptist? I've heard about him before..."
"no actually Jesus the Baptist let me explain…"

When asked about tongues, I will now tell them that the Lord has had a spiritual language in store for them since the beginning of creation. Just like they have a new name in heaven now, they now will have a new language on earth.

Who doesn't like a free gift? - especially when it's a surprise. Who wouldn't like to pick up a language especially if it happens supernaturally? - Chris Angel eat your heart out!

Just like water naturally goes with water baptism and the blood of Jesus goes with salvation, so too does an unknown language go with the Lord's baptism.

BTW, I now call the lasting sign of the Lord's Baptism, the "unknown tongue" or the "unknown language" to differentiate it from the "gift of different kinds of tongues" just as the Apostle Paul did explicitly in 1 Corinthians 12-14.

If pressed for details, I now can paint a bigger picture with Scripture (thanks to my crazy experiences):

- I now can tell them that the baptism they are about to receive was foretold in the rainbow God gave to Noah after the flood (baptism). In fact, it was a picture of all the languages ever spoken. God so loves the world and He says so in every language every time He baptizes the earth with His light and rain. And now, they too can speak in rainbows, in a color He has chosen just for them, when He baptizes them in His Holy Spirit.

- I now can tell them that just like God gave Abraham a promise in the flesh, He too will give them a sign on their lips. It will be a sign to them that they are called to be witnesses to the world and a father or mother of many nations (in the form of disciples they are called to make).

- I now can tell them that just like God baptized Mount Sinai with fire on the Day of Pentecost in Exodus 19-20, so too Jesus will pour out supernatural fire upon them. Just like God spoke through visible thunders from that mountain of fire (20:18), so too He will speak through them now. - Shoot, thanks to Bob Cornuke, I can show them pictures of Mount Sinai (still burnt to this day from that supernatural fire). Again, Chris Angel got nothing on Jesus!

- I now can explain to them that just like God spoke supernaturally through twelve colored stones on the High Priest's garments, one for each tribe, so too God has called them to be a Holy Priesthood. He will supernaturally light them up and speak through them in an array of colors known as unknown tongues. Chris Angel's outa bidness.

- I now can read to them the following verses from the Book of Isaiah:

"'As for me, this is my covenant with them,' says the LORD. 'My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever,' says the LORD. Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. 'Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm. Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come...'"

- Lastly, I can bring out my 2-by-4, and say that just like God gave birth to the church on the Day of Pentecost in Acts, so too He will give them another birth experience*. So too He will speak through them with the sound of a mighty rushing wind coming from their mouths. So too will the springs of the great deep within them burst forth as the floodgates of heaven are opened up open them.

The above give illustrations of how powerful the big picture of God's covenants is with man. It stretches from Genesis to Revelation; it spans the Old and New Testament. It's awesome. It's powerful. It's substantive. It's global. It's personal. It's relational. It's relevant. It's simple. It makes sense. It communicates at the speed of light. And dare I say it - "it's magical."

God never changes and He is someone whom the emerging culture, and any culture for that matter, can believe in. The teaching methods we use can change and likewise give them something to believe in.

* John 3 and 1 John 5:8 have all three: blood-Jesus, water-Father and Spirit.

November 22, 2007 8:47 AM:

Oh by the way, forgot to mention - I have tossed out the whole expression "second work of grace" and "ordinance" in favor of "covenant act" and "new birth experience."


Salvation is a covenant act and new birth experience.

Baptism in Water is a covenant act and new birth experience.

The Lord's Baptism is a covenant act and new birth experience.

God bless and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

November 25, 2007 2:08 AM:

I read an 1999 article in volume 2 - Initial Evidence Again? that blew me away. One of the findings reported in "If It Is A Sign: An Old Testament Reflection on the Initial Evidence Discussion" sent shivers down my spine.

According to the article, the term "initial evidence" has been a bone of contention amongst young Pentecostal ministers longer than I was even aware. Many favor the term "sign" over "initial evidence."

What is so crazy, to me anyways, is that ever since my experiences, I now call the unknown tongue the "lasting sign" or "covenantal sign" of the Lord's Baptism.

I now see 7 great covenant acts in Scripture each with their own signs. The seven are the Noahadic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant Part I, Part II, the Covenant at Sinai, Salvation, Baptism in Water and the Lord’s Baptism. All continue to this day.

The rainbow, blazing torch, smoking firepot, sign in the flesh, visible thunders, fire on the mountain, and Sabbath were signs given at four of these great covenantal acts. When you add the fact that they these four occurred on the Day of Pentecost, the connection with the unknown tongue, or "new tongues" as Jesus called them, should become apparent. Thus, the unknown tongue is the uncontested sign for the Lord’s Baptism in my book.

(I’ve learned that the Old Testament and Jews are more Pentecostal than we think)

As far as Salvation and Baptism in Water are concerned, their lasting signs are remembered every time we partake the blood of the covenant and baptize disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Speaking of which, water is an interesting lasting sign as it is not apparent as such until you put it together with Spirit and Blood (the Son).

Such was the case in: God's ultimate sign for Moses (Exodus 4:9), the baptism of Jesus, His first miracle of turning water into wine, the watery issue of blood after the Lord gave up the ghost, the names of the Trinity we baptize in, and the resurrection water mentioned in 1 Peter 3:21.

If you want to go even deeper - blood is made up of water and spirit (i.e. life). That's probably why it seemed good to the Spirit back in Noah's day and at the Council in Jerusalem for us not to eat it. Shucks, I love my porterhouse and ribeye medium!!!

Lastly - no actually firstly - the waters plural were mentioned "In the Beginning." Hmmm, I wonder what those waters were the Spirit of God was hovering over? Rev 13:8 and Rev 22 might shed some light.

Now, whenever I see water I think, "Trinity."

If y'all are wondering why I'm ranting and raving about this stuff. The Spirit has been whispering in my ear that we're about ready to turn this work over to a new generation. Although I'm concerned about this generation of young Pentecostal ministers, and want to be relevant, I don't think that's the generation He's referring to. I think it's the generation of Spirit-filled Jews who are about to take this bad boy over after we're gone ;-).

Man, I feel a Shema coming on! (oh, btw, that says “Trinity” too)...

November 28, 2007 3:15 PM:

... We know from biochemistry that blood is made up of water - anywhere from 83 to 95 percent depending upon hydration.

We also know from Scripture that life (Hebrew nephesh) is in the blood. This is not some figurative idea, it's a spiritual truth.

This is why blood is considered holy. This is why innocent blood cries out. This is one reason why there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. Just for kicks, check out the word nephesh and its ties to blood, you may be surprised what you find.

No, we can still eat meat. It's what for dinner at my house (I'm grilling tonight). It's eating blood I was talking about. In my opinion, the Spirit's leading against eating blood in Acts 15:29 had little to do with fellowship between Jews and Gentiles. The prohibition pre-dates Mosaic Kosher law. It goes all the way back to God's words to Noah. Why? Because nephesh is in the blood.

When I said that when I look at water I think of the Trinity I meant exactly that. I did not say that water is the sign for the Trinity. Looking back, I should have said "when I think of water as a lasting sign and it's connection with blood and Spirit, I think of the Trinity" which was my original premise.

All the lasting signs above that I mentioned: blood, water, unknown tongue all have connections with the Trinity. It's probably why soooo many denominations are confused as to when people are saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, etc. Rightfully so.

Let's go down the line a little:

Unknown Tongue (sign of the Lord's Baptism):
- It's a sign in the flesh (think flesh and blood)
- The medium is the Holy Spirit
- The agent is the Lord Jesus, who baptizes and fills
- The voice comes from the Throne of God the Father through our temples. This voice is an extension of the rainbow that encircles the Throne of God (the Ark in our spirits within our Holy of Holies). It is the "visible" thunder that comes from the Presence of the Lord within us.

Water (sign of baptism in water):
- Three atoms make it up
- Sign of life anywhere you travel in the Universe. If NASA thinks that water exists on a planet, there's a remote chance of life there
- When the Spirit mixes with it, it can form blood. The Lord did it at the burning bush site and at the wedding at Cana (wine symbolizes blood)
- The Lord Jesus was born of water, as were we all
- the Water of Life flows from the Throne of God and of the Lamb. What is this water?

Blood of the Covenant (sign of salvation):
- It's the blood of the Lamb that washes away the sins of the world
- The Spirit covers (atones/baptizes) us with it
- The Father looks down at it and sees us as holy, unblameable, and unreprovable (perfect)
- we drink it, like water, in the form of wine as a lasting tribute

No, I haven't bought into heresy. It's all in God's Word. I'm just trying to show how all the pieces have fit together for me. For all the reasons above, I "see" the Trinity in the three baptisms and their three lasting signs.

It's hard for me to describe all that I have been shown, because it simply goes beyond words (maybe I could in tongues ;).

The closest I can come to describe all the interconnections are the theory of relativity and a hologram. Depending on what side of the equation you're on, you'll see something different.

On one side of e=mc^2, you have matter multiplied by the speed of light squared and on the other you have energy.

If I twist the hologram of the unknown tongue, for instance, I see what John the Baptist saw: fire and Spirit. If I twist it the other way, I see the disciples speaking in tongues unknown to them.

If I twist the hologram of water, I see the water of life coming from the Throne of the Father. If I twist it the other way, I see the Trinity in operation.

Using the three baptisms as lenses, I can see connections in Scripture that I have never seen before:

- Three days for Christ's sacrifice (blood), burial (water), resurrection (spirit)
- Three regenerations/baptisms/atonements for the earth and humanity: water (the Great Flood), blood (the Cross), and the coming regeneration by fire.
- Three pilgrimage feasts: Shavuot (spirit), Pesach (blood), Sukkot (water)
- Three phases of the Exodus: Pesach (blood), Red Sea Crossing and cloud (water), and Shavuot at Sinai (spirit)
- Why Christ took three disciples to the Mount of Transfiguration (it was more than just because they were His closest)
- The number of times Peter had his vision
- Elijah's sacrifice on Mt. Carmel: bull (blood), water three times, and fire from heaven (spirit)
- Sign of Jonah: Jonah sacrificed (blood), in the belly of the great fish (water), resurrected and spat out of the mouth (spirit)
- Rainbows, in order to see one you need three things: light behind you (spirit), you in the middle (blood), and a watery film in front of you (water)
- I haven't studied circumcision, but I bet you anything water, blood, and spirit play a big part!

I realize this stuff is far out. I won't belabor the points here on FutureAG. This is a topic worthy pf pursuit elsewhere. I brought it up, because I believe without any doubt that the unknown tongue is the lasting sign of the Lord's Baptism.

Don't worry I haven't gone into heresy or off the deep end. As I have said elsewhere my experiences have solidified my support behind the A/G doctrines I grew up with. It's just that I can see them in a whole new light.

Pastors, friends, and co-workers who know me, know that two of my passions are evangelism and discipleship. The fruit of those passions speak for themselves. The ideas above are part of an ongoing research project that I hope and pray will yield fruit of its own, in their season.

Speaking of Season, God bless you all and Merry Christmas!

November 28, 2007 8:36 PM:

... I didn't mean to imply that the other percentage of water is Spirit. I was speaking more in symbolic terms not logical ones.

You actually bring up a good point about water and its three phases. For the record, water can exist in all three phases simultaneously at what is known as the "Triple Point." Scientists use this point to define the SI unit of temperature - the Kelvin. It's not the only substance that can. I just wanted to put it out there.

As far as spirit being in blood and wine as a symbol of blood, you'll have to contend with Scripture on that one (to name a few for wine - Gen 49:11, Luke 22:20, 1 Cor 10:16, 1 Cor 11:27). Like I said, check out the word nephesh. For fun, Google nephesh and blood together and see what comes up.

As to my perspectives, I don't want to convert the world to my point of view. I just want to share what I believe the Lord has shown me. Maybe it might shed some light on some subjects, maybe not. It's cleared up the whole debate about tongues for me and the importance of water baptism. I also see more inter-connectedness between the major events in Scripture.

I've since learned that the early church fathers celebrated the same connections. For instance, look up "whitsunday" and its traditions.

The extra-canonical Book of Jubilees, which was discoursed at the time of Jesus and used by the early church, is another example. It records that all four of the great covenants in the OT occurred on the Day of Pentecost (Shavuot). I had no idea of this when the Lord showed me that they were connected.

I also had no idea that the ancient rabbis spoke of the Mount Sinai experience as if it was something out of a Steven Spielberg movie. According to some, multi-colored voices streamed from the mountain and landed on the heads of everyone in the assembly in the form of "diadems." Some even say that God spoke His law to the whole world that day from the burning mountain in every known language.

I don't claim to be a theologian or a hermeneutical expert. I walk with the Lord and share what He puts on my heart to share. Nothing beats the Lord personally opening your mind to understand hidden treasures in Scripture (Luke 24:45).

Thank God this occurred to our founders at the turn of the last century. 500-million people later says a lot for a movement that didn't exist two hundred years ago. A little focused Bible Study, fasting, and prayer can go a long way. It did for me!

I'll end with a cool story from one of my good friends - Evangelist Bill Ashpole (love that man). While He was conducting a revival in the South Pacific a few years back, the Lord showed him an aspect of the baptismal experience.

As he was preaching about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Lord told him that He was about to baptize the crowd in sections across the huge assembly where they were meeting.

All of a sudden, he saw shafts of light come down from the rafters. As they landed on the sections, the people sitting there began to burst out in tongues. The process repeated itself in waves across the assembly until the whole place erupted in tongues. He even heard people shouting out in English, who had no knowledge of the language.

Because of my experiences, something told me that the shafts of light had color. I asked him "what color were they?" He replied, "Danny, they were rainbow-colored."

December 3, 2007 11:34 PM:

For anyone who may have been interested...

I went back and studied a little about circumcision (bris milah - literally the “Covenant of the Word”) and was blown away yet again by the convergence of water, blood, and spirit.

The covenant act is intimately tied to birth by water, in that the mother and father have to count 8 days from the day of birth to the day of circumcision.

Even if the day fell on a Sabbath, the father was responsible (or someone in his stead) to circumcise his son. This is the only time that a Sabbath rule can be broken. The Circumcision rule supersedes Sabbath rules (John 7:23).

Thus, the eighth day in circumcision is linked to water.

Why the eighth day? Because the number eight is the number for spirit. The number eight to rabbis is reminiscent of the day after the 7-day creation of the physical world and the number of Hanukkah, the Feast of Lights – a feast Jesus celebrated.

But what jumped out at me was the whole connection to a day after a Sabbath week. Both the resurrection and Shavuot fell after a Sabbath and Sabbath Weeks respectively, the very next day after the Sabbath (Matt 28:1, Lev 23:15-16).

It is literally a day of the Spirit.

The day before the resurrection was a Sabbath (the Lord rested in the womb of the earth) and the day before that He bled for our sins. But the day after the Sabbath, He was "reborn" by the Spirit.

Thus, the eighth day and the day after the Sabbath are linked to spirit.

Going back to circumcision, this is the day that a Jewish baby boy is given his name. He is literally reborn spiritually into the assembly. There's a new name in the kingdom as it were.

Ironically, Jews have for several centuries placed a vacant chair for the Prophet Elijah to oversee circumcision, as it may herald the identification of Messiah. This is interesting given Elijah's three-part baptism on Mt. Carmel and his connection to John the Baptist.

As far as what role blood plays in circumcision, well I'd rather not talk about that part ;-).

Because of my experiences, I see the Trinity yet again in the convergence of water, blood, and spirit in the covenant act of circumcision. As far as I'm concerned, religious Jews see a representation of the Trinity every time they witness a circumcision.

So what does this have to do with tongues? Well, because of my experiences, I see lips being circumcised when people are speaking in unknown tongues (Exodus 6:12, 30 KJV). They fluently speak in languages unknown to them as the Holy Spirit gives them utterance and as streams of living water flow from within them.

Incidentally, I used to wonder why the Lord began His ministry at the age of 30, why He died at 33, and why He rose on the third day.

Now, because of this follow-up study, I see the Trinity in these timelines. They're all multiples of three from the day the Lord was born of water and even baptized in water. I also see why ten days after Jesus ascended, the fire fell: 7 + 3. The fire fell on the third day, the day after the Sabbath. It fell on the day of the Spirit (Exodus 19:10-11, 16).

Just thought I'd share what I found after studying a little on circumcision.

*** End of Comments ***

Light the Fire Ministries ©2007

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