Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Amazing But True Story #5

Amazing But True Stories

Boise, Idaho

Pastor Roland Buck recounts:

"One Saturday night in January of 1977, at about 10:30 o'clock, I was seated at my desk, meditating, praying, and preparing my heart for Sunday. I had my head down on my arm at the desk, when suddenly, without any warning, I was taken right out of the room."

"I heard a voice say: 'Come with me into the Throne Room where the secrets of the universe are kept!' I didn't have time to answer; space means nothing to God! It was like the snap of the fingers - boom - and I was right there! Only then did I recognize that the voice I had heard speaking to me was the voice of the Almighty God . . ."

". . . Then he did another very surprising thing! He wrote down 120 events which he said would happen in my life in the future. It wasn't like you and I write; the information just suddenly appeared! I did not even need to read it, but right now, I can tell you EVERYTHING that was on that paper, because it was instantly impressed on my mind like a printing press prints on paper. The press doesn't have to read what is imprinted. It's [already] there! In the same way, every single notation was burned into my mind, and it's still there! . . ."

" . . . Item number 63 was another one [of the 120 events] which God actually allowed me to see and witness in detail before it happened. It concerned a family who were having serious marital problems. While I was in heaven, I saw them coming into my office and noticed the date was on the paper when this to occur."

"When the date arrived, these particular people didn't show up. I wondered what had happened, so I decided to stay a little while longer at my office. A short time after my normal closing hour, the telephone rang and a person who didn't identify himself, said, 'Pastor Buck, will you be in your office for a little while?'"

"I said, 'Yes.'"

"He didn't tell me who he was."

"When they came to the door, I greeted them BY NAME! This really shook them up! Then I asked, 'What brought you here?' They said they had been having terrible marital problems and decided they would go someplace to clear the air. They didn't know why, but they had decided to come to Boise, Idaho."

"We drove up here, rented a motel room, and when we got inside the room, we noticed the telephone book was lying open to the spot where you have your ad which reads, 'Counseling by appointment.'"

"Instantly I knew that one of those angels [that had visited me previously] had been there ahead of time and had opened the directory to the right place, and had also arranged at the front desk for them to get the right room."

"As we conversed, the lady said, 'We have had a good time driving up here together, things are all straightened out, and everything is going to be all right, so we won't waste your time. We'll be leaving now!"

"I said, 'No, you had better stay here, because that isn't the way it is.' I told them that God had let me see this event happening months before. I said to the wife, 'You have a gun in your purse, and you are planning to shoot your husband as soon as you get back to your motel."

"He was really alarmed, and exclaimed, 'You'd better not shoot me!' She was shaking all over."

"I said, 'Open your purse and give me that gun!'

"She opened her purse and handed me the gun exactly as I had seen it happen before. Then her very soul cried out to God! She knew there was no way I could have known anything about the gun unless God had told me, and he had let me know about it almost six months before it happened!"

"Both of them immediately fell down on their faces before God. He washed their sins away and instantly put their marriage back together. I have had one beautiful letter from them since then. They are going to a good church in California, happy in the Lord and serving God!"

Excerpt taken from Angels on Assignment, by Roland H. Buck (Hunter Books, 1979).

Read Angels on Assignment Online!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Amazing But True Story #4

Amazing But True Stories

Jabal Al Lawz, Saudi Arabia (actual site of Mt. Sinai)

Explorer Bob Cornuke writes:

"In all the bustle I had failed to look for the one feature that had gripped us from a distance: the strange, dark crown that shrouded the summit like a permanent shadow. Glancing about I saw that the entire surface where we stood appeared stained, or tinted, a deep unnatural black. The rocks, even the dirt, had a shiny black pigment, like polished obsidian--a startling effect. Seeing it from a distance was one thing, but this genuinely baffled us. We stood on what appeared to be a vast vein of exposed coal, all within a few paces of the top. What could cause such a thing? . . . ."

". . . . 'If it's volcanic,' I said, 'then the rock inside will be black, too.' I picked up a piece of charred rock the size of a watermelon, lifted it high over my head, and slammed it on the sharp edge of a boulder. It cracked clean, and we leaned in close to look: an exterior of melted stone, slick black like cultured glass, encasing a reddish-tan core. The interior rock was ordinary brown granite!"

"Goose bumps bristled on the back of my neck. What type of heat could melt surface rock to a black marble glaze--smooth to the touch like buffed opal--yet leave the underlying granite intact? Clearly, something unnatural, intensely hot, had touched the mountaintop. But what kind of heat is potent enough to charbroil solid rock, leaving the marrow medium rare? Handling the rocks like fine china, [co-explorer Larry Williams] kept asking, 'What could do that?' An iron smelter? An atomic forge? A laser canon beamed from a satellite?"

"As I beheld the melted rock, a passage leapt to mind of a mountain 'covered in smoke.' I flipped open my Bible to Exodus. 'Here it is,' I said. From Exodus 19:16-19, I read aloud the account of how, three days after the Exodus party [Moses and the Children of Israel] arrived at Mount Sinai, the mountain was mysteriously cloaked in a 'thick cloud,' the skies above filled with thunder and lightning. I read how a 'very loud trumpet blast' nearly scared the Israelites to death, causing 'everyone in the camp [to] tremble.' Moses then lead the people out of the camp to assemble at the foot of the mountain. And as I read the following text, Larry's mouth fell open: 'Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently.'"

Excerpt taken from The Mountain of God: The Discovery of the Real Mt. Sinai, by Robert Cornuke and David Halbrook (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000).

Amazing But True Story #3

Amazing But True Stories

Ghana, West Africa

Pastor Matthew Addae-Mensah writes:

"In 1998, we had two weeks of fasting and prayer. I challenged the congregation to demonstrate their God-given supernatural abilities. One sister, Carol August, had a thirteen-year-old house-helper killed by a fully loaded eighteen-wheel truck. When she rushed to the scene, she saw that the girl's body had been smashed beyond recognition. The police had not yet arrived to conduct an investigation and examination of the body. The body was so badly smashed, the men around suggested that they get shovels ready to collect the body to the morgue after the police investigation."

"Then Sister Carol remembered that she has the supernatural nature of God and could do something. She knelt down beside the body, prayed and called the name of the girl loudly. Miraculously, the dismembered and scattered body parts began to join together by themselves. She prayed again, and the shrunken body grew to full size. She prayed again, and the girl came back to life, to the surprise of the great crowd of people who had gathered."

"Some people questioned Sister Carol about where she got the power from. When police arrived to pick up the dead body, they met the dead girl alive, to the glory of God. Carol later ran to me at my office, shaking and saying, "Pastor! I have seen the power of God!"

Excerpt taken from Walking in the Power of God, by Matthew Addae-Mensah (Guardian Books, 2000).

Amazing But True Story #2

Amazing But True Stories

La Plata, Argentina

Pastor Alberto Scataglini writes:

"I accompanied [Evangelist Carlos] Annacondia and his helper, Juan Dicresensio, to find a place to hold the campaign [of 1984] in the city of La Plata. We drove around looking at empty lots that might be suitable for an open-air campaign, and Carlos and Juan finally felt they found the ideal spot. They both sensed strong confirmation from the Lord and began a search to find the owners."

"After locating the owners of the lot, however, the owners were very strong in their answer and said there was absolutely no way they would give permission. I wanted to continue looking, but Juan said, "We have to keep insisting; they said no, but the Lord said yes." After revisiting the owners several times and after much prayer, [Carlos and Juan] finally got the yes they were waiting for. Preparations began immediately as the campaign was to begin . . ."

"During the campaign, people would bring the clothing of their sick relatives to be prayed over. Tables were piled high with those pieces of clothing. One testimony that stands out in my mind was of a woman who brought a pair of her husband's socks to be prayed for; he was unable to walk. She took them home and the following day her husband put them on. All of a sudden he began screaming that the socks were burning his feet and he began jumping up and down. It took him a few moments to realize that he was able to jump! He had been healed."

Excerpt taken from The Fire of His Holiness, by Sergio Scataglini (Renew Books, 1999).

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Amazing But True Story #1

Amazing But True Stories

Tyler Texas

Evangelist R. W. Schambach writes:

"I'll never forget, the greatest miracle I ever witnessed began with an offering. It happened under the ministry of Brother A. A. Allen. I was with this man of God for about five years in the fifties. . ."

". . . . A woman brought her child, who had twenty-six major diseases, to our meeting. I'll never forget this as long as I live. The boy was born blind, deaf and mute. Both arms were crippled and deformed. His elbows protruded up into his little tummy; his knees touched his elbows. Both legs were crippled and deformed; he had club feet. When he was born, his doctors said that boy would never live to see his first birthday, but they were wrong; he was approaching four years of age. Of course, his condition was breaking his mama's heart. She came to our meetings all week, and I got concerned about that boy. In those crusades, we had each person with a need fill out a prayer card, and as the Holy Spirit moved, we would pray for the needs God inspired us to pray for. And the Holy Spirit didn't seem to be moving us to pray for that little boy."

"The following Sunday, his mother came to me and said, 'Brother Schambach, I'm down to my last twenty dollars. I've paid the hotel bill, but we've been eating in the restaurant, coming to three services a day and giving in every offering. All the money has run out. My baby has not been prayed for.' She was very upset, and she was ready to give up and go home."

"I said 'Ma'am, I can't apologize for the moving of the Holy Ghost. I know you have to leave tonight, but if you come to the service and, once again, the Holy Spirit leads in another direction, and your son's prayer is not drawn for prayer, I will personally take your baby to the man of God's trailer house and see that he lays hands on your baby. You will not leave disappointed.' And I meant that from my heart."

"That night I came out, and I led the singing in that evening service. Then I introduced Brother A. A. Allen, and he came bouncing out on that platform and said 'Tonight we're going to receive an offering of faith.' I had never heard him use that expression before, and I saw eyebrows lift all over the congregation. He went on, 'Now, if you don't know what I mean when I say an 'offering of faith,' I mean for you to give God something you cannot afford to give. That's a good definition, isn't it? If you can afford it, there's no faith connected to it. So give Him something you can't afford to give.'"

"As soon as Brother Allen said that, I saw that boy's mother leap out into the aisle and come running. Three thousand people were watching her in that Birmingham Fairgrounds Arena as she threw something in that offering bucket. I never saw anybody in such a hurry to give, and, I confess, I was nosy. I came down off that platform to see what she had given. You know what I saw in that bucket? A twenty dollar bill."

"I knew that was all she had. She had told me that. She had driven from Knoxville, Tennessee, to the meeting in Birmingham, Alabama. She didn't know how she was going to get home or what she was going to use to feed herself and her baby on the way. I went behind the platform and wept. I prayed, 'Lord, I've been trying to teach that woman faith all week. But now I'm asking You to give me faith like she's got!'"

". . . Brother Allen went on and collected the offering and launched into his sermon. But about fifteen minutes into his message he stopped and said, 'I'm being carried away in the Spirit.'"

"I said to myself, 'Here we go again on another trip.' This is how God used him: he said he could see what the Holy Spirit wanted to communicate to him like he was watching it on a television screen. He would describe it as he saw it. That night he said, 'I'm being carried away to a huge white building. Oh, it's a hospital.' Of course, I heard this kind of thing every night that I worked with Brother Allen so I was sitting there unmoved."

"Then he said, 'I'm inside the hospital, and there's no doubt in my mind where I'm heading because I hear all these babies crying. It's a maternity ward. I see five doctors around a table. A little baby has been born. The baby was born with twelve, no, sixteen, no, twenty-six diseases.'"

"When he said that, I started getting chill bumps up and down my spine. I said, 'Oh, my God, tonight's that baby's night!"

"Brother Allen continued, 'Twenty-six diseases. The doctors said he'd never live to see his first birthday, but that's not so. That boy is approaching four. Now I see the mother packing a suitcase. They're going on a trip. Another lady's with her. The baby's in a bassinet. It's in the back seat of an old Ford. They're driving down the highway. I see the Alabama/Tennessee border. That automobile is driving in the parking lot. Lady you're here tonight. Bring me that baby! God's going to give you twenty-six miracles.'"

"That woman came running again for the second time that night. She put the baby in Brother Allen's arms. I jumped up to stand beside him, and everybody in the audience--3,00 strong--was standing. Brother Allen must have wanted to be sure that the audience was agreeing in faith for the miracle because he said, 'Everybody, close your eyes.' But I thought, 'Not me, mister. I'm going to be scriptural on this one. I'm going to watch and pray. I've been waiting for this all week.

"That little boy's tongue had been hanging out of his mouth all week. The first thing I saw as Brother Allen prayed was that tongue snap back in the mouth like a rubber band. For the first time in four years, the little guy's tongue was in his mouth. I saw two little whirlpools in his eyes, just a milky color. You couldn't tell whether he had blue or brown or what color of eyes. But during the prayer, that whirlpool ceased, and I saw two brand new brown eyes! I knew God had opened his eyes, and if God opened the eyes, I knew He had unstopped the deaf ears."

"Then those little arms began to snap like pieces of wood; and for the first time, they stretched out. The legs cracked like wood popping. All of sudden, I saw God form toes out of those club feet as easily as child forms something with silly-putty. The crowd was watching by this time going wild! I've never seen any people shout and rejoice so much in all my life."

"I saw that baby placed on his feet, and he began to run for the first time in his life. He had never seen his mama before, never said a word, but he began running across the platform--and I was running right after him to catch him. He leaped into his mama's arms, and I heard him say his first word, 'Mama.'"

" . . . . The following Saturday after his healing, I received a special delivery letter from his mother. . . She said 'Brother Schambach, I took the baby to the hospital Monday morning, and the doctors won't give him back. They kept him all week. They have called in every doctor from all over the country who has had anything to do with the case. They have pronounced my baby cured of twenty-six major diseases.' Of course, we went on to get the copies of the affidavits from the doctors certifying that boy's life was a genuine miracle."

"Her letter continued, 'You remember that last Sunday when I told you all I had was twenty dollars? God knows that was the truth. But when that man of God said to give something you can't afford, I leaped into the aisle. The moment I hit that aisle, for the first time in my life I heard the devil talk. The devil told me, 'You can't give that; that's not yours. Fifteen dollars of that goes to the doctor. Five dollars is for gas to get home.' The faster I ran, the faster he talked. But as soon as I turned loose of that money, he stopped talking.'

"'Brother Schambach, all you saw was those twenty-six miracles, but there is one you don't know anything about. After you were gone, people were staying there. They wanted to see the baby and see what God had done. People shook hands with me. When one lady shook my hands, I felt a folded piece of paper between [my] palms. I opened it up and saw it was a twenty dollar bill. As I shook hands with the people who had lined up, every one of them had a folded paper in their hand. I went into the ladies room and counted $235!'"

Excerpt taken from You Can't Beat God Givin': Miracle Testimonies from Ordinary People Serving an Extraordinary God, by R. W. Schambach (Power Publications, 1994).