Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Teens Experience Healings

Here's a story from the AG News Service that really lit a fire in me today. This is just one story of many that happen EVERYDAY that demonstrate that Jesus is still very much in the healing business. I know firsthand, he healed me of my asthma...


Church sermons and Sunday School lessons are often peppered with reminders that Jesus heals. But a youth group in Georgia isn't just hearing about it. Many of the teens are experiencing Christ's healing power firsthand.

The First Assembly of God youth group in Griffin, Georgia, has witnessed more than 40 confirmed healings during the past 18 months, according to Phil Knauer, youth pastor at the church south of Atlanta.

"It's just amazing what God is doing among these teenagers," says Knauer. "I can't explain all of it."

Kenny Davis, 16, was healed of a football injury during a youth service at the church on August 3. He had a cast placed on his broken ankle and torn ligaments earlier in the day. During prayer that night, the teen sensed that God had healed him.

He dropped his crutches and began walking, then sprinting, around the room on his cast. A second set of X-rays taken the following day showed that the bone was not broken.

"It was nothing surprising to me," says Davis' mother, Tracey. "I've seen God do a lot of things. He's touched our family in many ways."

Knauer says other healings in the youth group have included two students healed of diabetes, several healed of gastrointestinal disorders and a student whose dislocated shoulder moved back into the socket.

On one occasion, Knauer says, a student was healed as he walked to the altar to pray for a nose he had broken playing soccer a few hours earlier.

"His nose looked swollen, grotesque and disfigured," Knauer says. "It shrank back down to normal and straightened out in front of everybody. His mother fainted when she saw him."

Knauer says his youth group has grown from 150 students to 370 since the healings started. A number of students who came to church to witness the supernatural ended up accepting Christ as Savior and receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, he says.

"I've spent a lot of time trying to draw teens into the church,"Knauer says. "But nothing takes the place of having God's presence demonstrated in your services."


Would you like to meet the person responsible for these amazing healings? Follow Christ.

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