Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Ark Found?

I just finished reading "Ark Fever" by Bob Cornuke, the Young Seven One Book of the Month (listed every month at our Battle Star Musica Page) and I think Explorer Bob Cornuke has found Noah's ark!

Just like in the case of Mount Sinai, the lost Mountain of Noah is not to be found in its traditional site. If you want evidence for the existence of God and for the truth of the Bible all you have to do is take a trip to Jabal-al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia (ancient Midian where Moses fled and later received the Law atop Mount Sinai) and see all the physical features mentioned in Scripture including an entire non-volcanic mountain top burnt to a crisp.

Those who believe in faith need not these evidences for they have experienced the evidence of a life changed and a peace that goes beyond natural understanding. Many have experienced in their own lives exactly what is promised in Scripture - which is supposedly the work of man's mind. They have experienced the person whose birth we are celebrating tomorrow. As my brother-in-law so wisely asked, "have you invited Jesus to His birthday party?" I have found an ark of salvation, He is my shelter in times of trouble. Have you found Him? Find Jesus today.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Light the Fire Ministries!

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